ISBA Annual Review 2017/18 ‘A year of transformation’

The last 12 months have truly been a year of transformation.

18 months ago Director General, Phil Smith set out a new manifesto for ISBA based on our Council's mandate for change. This past year has seen many of those changes come into effect.

ISBA's change journey over 2017/18 has seen us take on everything from new branding and a new website to appointing our new President Elizabeth Fagan and restructuring our member-led Steering Groups, right through to hosting our rejuvenated (and largest ever) Annual Conference in March - and these are just some of the highlights!

Our new Annual Review '2017/18 A year of transformation', summarises all of the key areas of activity and new initiatives we have undertaken throughout the year. The review is available to download now and outlines our priorities for the year ahead, our UK wide remit and our financial highlights, our history and much more. 

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The process, while challenging, has proven extremely rewarding. Thank you for your continued support of ISBA. We are looking forward to another successful and productive year and to working with you as we continue on our transformation journey.