Intrusive ads now blocked on Google Chrome

Last June Google announced they were taking measures to start blocking intrusive ads from their platforms.

Those changes have finally come into effect and from 15 February 2018 Google's desktop browser, Chrome and their Android system will automatically block ads that do not adhere to the 'Better Ads Standards'.

Ads deemed to violate standards include pop-ups, prestital ads, flashing animated ads and full-screen ads.

ISBA is supportive of any moves to improve the online experience for consumers, many of whom feel bombarded with advertising. Therefore we welcome this initiative from Google. We would like to see the adoption of common, higher standards among all publishers. As an industry, we must ensure we are always delivering ads which deliver a positive consumer experience.

Google has provided full details on how their ad filtering system works, which is available on the Chromium Blog.

Further information on the Better Ads Standards can be found on the Coalition for Better Ads website.