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Cookieless Future Session: Part 10 with Ekimetrics

Member-only document

Cookieless Future Session: Part 10 with Ekimetrics - Measurement - presentation

Preparing for effectiveness in a cookieless world

Third-party cookies are being demised. This is impacting the entire digital marketing and advertising ecosystem, affecting audience targeting, tracking, measurement and attribution. Meanwhile, multiple vendors, consultants and industry experts are exploring, assessing and developing alternative technologies and approaches to targeting and measuring ad distribution and effectiveness. These include alternative ID systems, decentralised data systems, and new collaborative technologies and techniques and combinations

Since Summer 2020, ISBA has been running exclusive Cookieless Futures learning sessions for our members and our 10th session will be with Ekimetrics.

We’ve already started to see changes in the market as the likes of Firefox and iOS14 have already introduced tracking prevention, with Google’s third-party cookie ban due in 2022. As tracking opportunities continue to fade further, in this session, we will explore what this means for measuring marketing performance, and take a look at:

  • the landscape of solutions and the opportunities for the best insight
  • how to connect the dots and triangulate the right approach from the different signals
  • putting that into practice within the organisation to create strong marketing plans.

This session is a must-attend for any marketers grappling with the challenges of privacy and the inevitable switch away from multi-touch attribution.