until 4:00pm
Free for members

Privacy Centric Marketing with Google

Join senior Google privacy and product experts who'll be sharing their latest privacy-centric product and service plans and insights. Key topic areas will be:

  • Privacy Sandbox updates and status
  • PAIR: Google’s Publisher Advertiser Identity Reconciliation, or PAIR, is a new solution that gives publishers and advertisers the option to securely and privately reconcile their first-party data for audiences who have visited both an advertiser’s and a publisher’s site.
  • Information transparency (eg, DPIAs)

The session will be a valuable update for all media practitioners involved in planning and developing their organisation’s post-cookie, privacy-centric marketing and advertising infrastructure. The sessions are planned to allow advertisers to ask direct question of Google’s product and leadership teams. This deep-dive into their privacy preserving product roadmap will suit senior to junior practitioners. If you have advance questions for the Google team, please send to Elvirab@isba.org.uk by Thursday 23th March.