All In Report & Action Plan

All In Census Of 16,000+ Informs Drive For More Inclusive UK Advertising Workforce

June 10, 2021, London: Improving the representation of Black, Disabled and Working-Class talent are the first series of actions for the All In Campaign announced in June 2021, following UK advertising’s landmark survey of more than sixteen thousand professionals in March. The All In Report, available here has been published by the industry’s Inclusion Working Group, formed by the Advertising Association, IPA and ISBA to build a workplace where everyone feels they belong. Calls to action include adopting the newly launched BRiM framework, ensuring online accessibility for UK advertising’s websites and using the Social Mobility Commission Toolkit for the Creative Industries which is due to be published shortly.

The All In Census asked UK advertising professionals to share experiences in the workplace and collected a unique dataset about the industry’s make-up, highlighting strengths and areas for action.

Find out more in the All In Hub.