Boost your advertising ROI. 8 key focus areas for marketers to create an impactful website

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It is ever more important for organisations to be joined up in their marketing and sales efforts to reflect the reality of their consumers’ journeys. Most of the more progressive organisations have been working on ensuring they embed digital commerce throughout it too.

So, it is perhaps stating the obvious that you need an effective way to buy to ensure your consumers can pass into and through the consumer journey as efficiently as possible. That not only makes sense from an experience point of view, but it of course also maximises the ROI of your spend.

This integration of many organisations’ functions is the reason ISBA and Entropy have put a guide together for our members aimed at marketing, advertising and indeed eCommerce practitioners, “Ecommerce Unleashed: Maximising Your Website's Impact for Marketing Success”. This document is the first of a series over the coming weeks that shares some of the guide’s content.

Boost your advertising ROI. 8 key focus areas for marketers to create an impactful website

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