GARM Brand Safety Floor & Sustainability Framework

Advertisers, agencies, media companies, platforms and industry organisations have come together in the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) to take forward this work and improve digital safety. ISBA is a member of the GARM Steering Committee, and we have helped to develop GARM’s Brand Safety Floor and Suitability Framework.

There is no place in a dynamic, competitive digital economy for content or activity that puts at risk children and the most vulnerable. Advertisers, platforms and trade bodies look forward to working in partnership with government to put in place workable rules which root out and prevent online harms.

The GARM Brand Safety Floor & Sustainability Framework is intended to provide the following:

  1. A common understanding of what harmful and sensitive content is via content categories
  2. A common understanding of where ads should not appear, as expressed in a Brand Safety Floor
  3. A common way of delineating different risk levels for sensitive content, as expressed in a Brand Suitability Framework

GARM Brand Safety Floor & Sustainability Framework