until 3:30pm
Cost for members: £190 + VAT
Cost for non-members: £260 + VAT

ISBA President's Lunch

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We are delighted that after last year’s success the ISBA President’s Lunch will be taking place on Tuesday 4th July at London's Sheraton Grand Park Lane from 12.30-3.30pm.  With hundreds of marketers in attendance, the ISBA Lunch, is a highlight of the annual advertising calendar.

Torsten Bell

We are pleased to announce our guest speaker is Torsten Bell, Chief Executive of the Resolution Foundation. Torsten has a background in economic policy, with a current research focus on how to renew the UK’s economic strategy to raise growth and reduce inequality. Prior to leading the Resolution Foundation, Torsten worked in HM Treasury, as a member of the Council of Economic Advisers during the financial crisis, and as Director of Policy for the Labour Party. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, school governor, and trustee of the Child Poverty Action Group. He is an Honorary Professor at the UCL Policy Lab.

We're looking forward to a fascinating speech from Torsten, as well as an address from ISBA President Margaret Jobling.

This event is open to ISBA members, and non-members.

The lunch is now fully booked.  If you have any queries, please contact elvirab@isba.org.uk

See a recap of last year's lunch hereISBA President's lunch 2022