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Lotteries and competitions: Legal and regulatory developments

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Lotteries and competitions: Legal and regulatory developments presentation

Lotteries and competitions: What are recent legal and regulatory developments that could get your brand into trouble?

A lottery and promotion can be a great way to raise a brand’s profile, but get it wrong, and it can cause significant reputational damage. Growing online communities of ‘compers’ are calling out unfair promotions, and the ASA is also taking more of an interest. One promoter has even been fined £120,000 for breaching consumer protection law. In this event, we will look at the recent developments that brands need to know in order to keep out of trouble.


  • Overview of the laws and regulations to consider when planning a lottery or competition.
  • Why did a promoter face a criminal prosecution and fine of £120,000 in 2020, and why does nobody know about it?
  • What promotion mechanics are getting brands into trouble and causing them reputational damage?
  • Why has the ASA been cracking down on social media and cryptocurrency promotions?

This event is aimed at:

  • In house legal at major brands.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Affairs professionals.
  • Marketing professionals

What will you gain by attending?
An insight into the laws to affecting lotteries and competitions, including the Gambling Act 2005, the Consumer Protection Regulations 2008 and the Data Protection Act 2018, as well as the self-regulatory regime administered by the Advertising Standards Authority. In particular, we will look at the issues that have been getting brand owners into trouble in recent years.


Brinsley Dresden, Partner, Head of Advertising & Marketing Sector Focus Group, Lewis Silkin LLP
Brinsley is a leading advertising and marketing lawyer, ranked in Band 1 by Chambers & Partners and in the Legal 500 Hall of Fame 2022. Chambers Directory 2022 quotes his clients as saying "Brinsley has an excellent business mind and is always providing a useful recommendation on how to move forward. He is also always is one step ahead informing on the latest legal news on the market." "He argues his client's corner well."